SVBA Fall 2015 Leagues

The SVBA Fall 2015 volleyball leagues was held at the Jewish Community Center (JCC) from September 10 through November 23, 2015.

The JCC is located on Wyoming, just south of Academy (map link is here).

Congratulations to the Regular Season winners and to the Tournament winners:

                             Regular Season                                                          Tournament                               
League 1st 2nd 1st 2nd
Advanced Hampton Roads (JCC) Scared Hitless Scared Hitless Hampton Roads (JCC)
Upper Intermediate Karch Potatoes Touched Shank & Pepper Touched
Middle Intermediate TBD Setters Of Catan TBD Setters Of Catan
Lower Intermediate Honey Badgers Serves You Right Honey Badgers Sets On The Beach
Recreational Sets On The Beach Ball Hogs (*) (*)

* Note: For the regular season, L1 was really just one-half of L2 (16 teams total). They were recombined for the tournament.

Tournament Brackets: Adv, Upper, Mid, Lower, Rec
Tournament Schedules (html): Adv, Upper, Mid, Lower, Rec, ALL
Tournament Schedules (text): Adv, Upper, Mid, Lower, Rec, ALL
Tournament Detailed Results: Adv, Upper, Mid, Lower, Rec, by Date
Regular Season Standings: Adv, Upper, Mid, Lower, Rec
Regular Season Schedules (html): Adv, Upper, Mid, Lower, Rec, ALL
Regular Season Schedules (text): Adv, Upper, Mid, Lower, Rec, ALL
Regular Season Detailed Results: Adv, Upper, Mid, Lower, Rec, by Week
weekly results