SVBA Winter 2012 - Tournament Schedule - ALL Leagues

Last-Updated: 2012-04-06

2012-03-23 (Fri)
6pm b (16) Tungurahua vs (17) Ball Hogs [A]
6pm b (12) Net Prophets vs (21) Net Assets [B]
7pm b (13) Body Shotz vs (20) Cheese Sandwich [C]
7pm b (14) Just Hittin' It vs (19) I'd Hit That [D]
8pm b (11) Happy Feet vs (22) Thunderball [E]
8pm b (15) Thunder vs (18) Tappin' It [F]
2012-03-26 (Mon)
6pm b (01) Safe Sets vs w[A] Tungurahua [G]
6pm b (08) Will Work for Sets vs (09) Forest Bump [H]
7pm b (05) Slam Dink vs w[B] Net Prophets [I]
7pm b (04) Aches and Pains vs w[C] Body Shotz [J]
8pm b (03) Pro Fitness (JCC) vs w[D] I'd Hit That [K]
8pm b (06) 29 & Holding vs w[E] Happy Feet [L]
9pm b (07) Bumpitz vs (10) Can U Dig It [M]
9pm b (02) Dig This ... vs w[F] Tappin' It [N]
2012-03-29 (Thu)
6pm B (08) Ordinary People vs (09) Arm and Hammer [BA]
6pm B (07) Touched vs (10) Bucked Out Ninjas (JCC) [BB]
7pm B (01) Spartacus vs w[BA] Ordinary People [BC]
7pm B (02) Bump It vs w[BB] Touched [BF]
8pm A (4) Ballistic Fury vs (5) Toxic Sox [AA]
8pm A (3) Set To Kill vs (6) Mixed Nuts [AB]
9pm B (04) Los Cool-Os vs (05) Compounders [BD]
9pm B (03) Mind Riot vs (06) Team Animal [BE]
2012-03-30 (Fri)
6pm C (1) Hustle & Flo vs (8) Crouching Tiger [CA]
6pm C (4) More Crush vs (5) The Detonators [CB]
7pm C (3) Hairy Spotter vs (6) Newbies (JCC) [CC]
7pm C (2) Set Me Up vs (7) BYOB [CD]
8pm b w[G] Safe Sets vs w[H] Will Work for Sets [O]
8pm b w[I] Slam Dink vs w[J] Body Shotz [P]
9pm b w[K] Pro Fitness (JCC) vs w[L] 29 & Holding [Q]
9pm b w[M] Can U Dig It vs w[N] Dig This ... [R]
2012-04-02 (Mon)
6pm A (1) Aerial Assault vs w[AA] Ballistic Fury [AC]
6pm A (2) Hampton Roads (JCC) vs w[AB] Set To Kill [AD]
7pm B w[BC] Spartacus vs w[BD] Los Cool-Os [BG]
7pm B w[BE] Mind Riot vs w[BF] Bump It [BH]
8pm b w[O] Safe Sets vs w[P] Slam Dink [S]
8pm b w[Q] Pro Fitness (JCC) vs w[R] Dig This ... [T]
9pm C w[CA] Hustle & Flo vs w[CB] The Detonators [CE]
9pm C w[CC] Newbies (JCC) vs w[CD] Set Me Up [CF]
2012-04-05 (Thu)
6pm C w[CE] Hustle & Flo vs w[CF] Newbies (JCC) [CG]
6pm B w[BG] Spartacus vs w[BH] Bump It [BI]
7pm b w[S] Slam Dink vs w[T] Dig This ... [U]
7pm A w[AC] Ballistic Fury vs w[AD] Hampton Roads (JCC) [AE]
Tournament Brackets: A-League, Upper B-League, Lower B-League, C-League
Tournament Schedules (html): A-League, Upper B-League, Lower B-League, C-League, ALL
Tournament Schedules (text): A-League, Upper B-League, Lower B-League, C-League, ALL
Tournament Detailed Results: A-League, Upper B-League, Lower B-League, C-League
Regular Season Standings: A-League, Upper B-League, Lower B-League, C-League
Regular Season Schedules (html): A-League, Upper B-League, Lower B-League, C-League, ALL
Regular Season Schedules (text): A-League, Upper B-League, Lower B-League, C-League, ALL
Regular Season Detailed Results: A-League, Upper B-League, Lower B-League, C-League