# SVBA Spring 2023 Season - Teams L1 - Recreational Division R01 Aces L1 Cameron Sellers R02 Adversarial Platypi L1 Kevin Potter R03 Empire Spikes Back (J) L1 Riley Stevens R04 Spin For Days L1 Kenneth Brown R05 The Leftovers L1 Kevin Santos L2 - Lower Intermediate Division L01 Blockbusters L2 Alex Longo L02 Body Shotz (J) L2 Michelle Phipps L03 Can't Miss L2 Matt Geuss L04 Chewblocka L2 Monica Garcia L05 Creative Name Here (J) L2 Bryn Whisenand L06 Hit N Miss L2 Daniel Bracken L07 Jugger Nets L2 Manoj Bhardwaj L08 Orville Ready Blockers L2 Andrew Klotz L09 Serving Looks L2 Joseph Chlastawa L10 Sexy Back L2 Lori Jaramillo L11 Spiking Slytherins (J) L2 Vivek Gulati L12 Tungurahua L2 Allen Ricks L3a - Middle Intermediate-A Division M01 Block n' Roll L3a Ariana Sena M02 Diggin' It! L3a Steve Wimpy M03 Hits and Giggles (J) L3a Paolo Macias M04 I'd Hit That (J) L3a Levi Bowman M05 Squizzards 2.0 (J) L3a Vianeidy Pratt M06 That Hurts L3a Charla Garcia M07 Thunderball (J) L3a Matt Curry M08 Thunderchickens L3a Francine Briones L3b - Middle Intermediate-B Division N01 Aerospike (J) L3b Jeffrey Payne N02 Can You Dig It? L3b Tyler Schoenherr N03 Cheese Inspectors (J) L3b Holly Higgins N04 Honey Badgers L3b Miranda Buckman N05 Sets on the Beach L3b Nathanael Brown N06 Slam Dink L3b David Ryan N07 WALL-E Ballers L3b Andrea Miller L4 - Upper Intermediate Division U01 Big Tippers (J) L4 Sarah Hammond U02 IBC (J) L4 Savannah Perez U03 It's a Set Up! (J) L4 Garrett Werito U04 Re:Set (J) L4 Mark Wong U05 Rebels (J) L4 Jake Pier U06 Soft Serve (J) L4 Nate Jones U07 The Factionless L4 Lanny Gilbertson U08 T-Wrecks (J) L4 Tim Mitchell U09 VolleyPartons (J) L4 Victoria Rodriguez L5 - Advanced Division A01 Beauty and Beasts (J) L5 Aaron Thompson A02 Dig On This (J) L5 Stephanie Willis A03 Hampton Roads (J) L5 Jac Pier A04 Killer Tomatoes (J) L5 Dana Bird A05 Spartacus (J) L5 Tara Hilton A06 Subs (J) L5 Mike Oliver