SVBA Fall 2017 - Tournament Detailed Results by League

Last-Updated: 2017-11-21

2017-11-02	7p	A	(1)   Ordinary People		v	(4)   Ballistic Fury		[AA]	[2-1]	(23-25,25-19,15-13)
2017-11-02	7p	A	(2)   Hampton Roads (JCC)	v	(3)   T.B.D.			[AB]	[2-0]	(25-17,25-13)

2017-11-09	9p	A	w[AA] Ordinary People		v	w[AB] Hampton Roads (JCC)	[AC]	[0-2]	(20-25,10-25)

Upper Intermediate-League
2017-11-02	6p	U	(1)   Spartacus			v	(8)   Cloak and Dagger		[UA]	[2-0]	(25-00,25-00)
2017-11-02	6p	U	(4)   Subs			v	(5)   Shank & Pepper		[UB]	[2-0]	(25-15,25-21)
2017-11-02	8p	U	(3)   Team Animal		v	(6)   Touched			[UC]	[2-0]	(25-21,25-21)
2017-11-02	8p	U	(2)   Slam (JCC)		v	(7)   Re:Set			[UD]	[2-0]	(25-21,25-18)

2017-11-09	8p	U	w[UA] Spartacus			v	w[UB] Subs			[UE]	[2-0]	(25-10,25-20)
2017-11-09	8p	U	w[UC] Team Animal		v	w[UD] Slam (JCC)		[UF]	[2-1]	(25-21,18-25,15-12)

2017-11-16	6p	U	w[UE] Spartacus			v	w[UF] Team Animal		[UG]	[1-2]	(25-17,22-25,13-15)

Middle Intermediate-League
2017-10-30	9p	M	(16)  Wackadoodles		v	(17)  Tungurahua		[MA]	[1-2]	(25-21,20-25,10-15)
2017-10-30	9p	M	(15)  Unknown Factor		v	(18)  Itza Setup		[MB]	[2-1]	(21-25,25-12,15-10)

2017-11-06	6p	M	(01)  Deez Nets			v	w[MA] Tungurahua		[MC]	[2-0]	(25-14,25-13)
2017-11-06	6p	M	(08)  Time Served		v	(09)  Diggin' It		[MD]	[2-1]	(20-25,25-22,15-08)
2017-11-06	7p	M	(05)  Aerospike			v	(12)  Honey Badgers		[ME]	[2-1]	(19-25,25-18,16-14)
2017-11-06	7p	M	(04)  I'd Hit That		v	(13)  Van Ballin		[MF]	[2-1]	(15-25,25-15,15-06)
2017-11-06	8p	M	(03)  Sets on the Beach		v	(14)  Aches and Pains		[MG]	[2-0]	(25-20,25-23)
2017-11-06	8p	M	(06)  Flying Squizzards		v	(11)  Sexy Back			[MH]	[2-0]	(26-24,25-09)
2017-11-06	9p	M	(07)  Rehab (JCC)		v	(10)  Thunderball		[MI]	[2-0]	(25-20,25-23)
2017-11-06	9p	M	(02)  Slam Dink			v	w[MB] Unknown Factor		[MJ]	[2-0]	(25-21,25-17)

2017-11-09	9p	M	w[MG] Sets on the Beach		v	w[MH] Flying Squizzards		[MM]	[2-0]	(25-12,27-25)

2017-11-13	6p	M	w[ME] Aerospike			v	w[MF] I'd Hit That		[ML]	[2-0]	(25-15,25-14)
2017-11-13	7p	M	w[MC] Deez Nets			v	w[MD] Time Served		[MK]	[2-0]	(25-15,25-22)
2017-11-13	7p	M	w[MI] Rehab (JCC)		v	w[MJ] Slam Dink			[MN]	[0-2]	(20-25,12-25)

2017-11-16	7p	M	w[MK] Deez Nets			v	w[ML] Aerospike			[MO]	[2-1]	(25-18,16-25,15-7)
2017-11-16	7p	M	w[MM] Sets on the Beach		v	w[MN] Slam Dink			[MP]	[0-2]	(19-25,18-25)
2017-11-16	8p	M	w[MO] Deez Nets			v	w[MP] Slam Dink			[MQ]	[2-0]	(25-19,25-22)

Lower Intermediate-League
2017-10-30	6p	L	(01)  Old Kids on the Block	v	(16)  Medical Misfits		[LA]	[2-0]	(25-00,25-00)
2017-10-30	6p	L	(08)  That's What She Set	v	(09)  Orville Ready Blockers	[LB]	[2-0]	(25-23,25-08)
2017-10-30	7p	L	(05)  Side Out			v	(12)  Low Country Broil		[LC]	[2-0]	(25-09,25-12)
2017-10-30	7p	L	(04)  Wild Animal Sets		v	(13)  Bump n' Jump		[LD]	[0-2]	(18-25,23-25)
2017-10-30	8p	L	(03)  Significant Others	v	(14)  VolleyBrawlers2		[LE]	[2-0]	(25-18,25-11)
2017-10-30	8p	L	(06)  Ham and Armor		v	(11)  More Crush		[LF]	[2-0]	(25-14,25-15)

2017-11-02	9p	L	(07)  Serves You Right		v	(10)  Body Shots		[LG]	[2-0]	(25-19,25-21)
2017-11-02	9p	L	(02)  Rabid Sloths		v	(15)  Raiders			[LH]	[2-1]	(17-25,25-05,15-10)

2017-11-09	6p	L	w[LC] Side Out			v	w[LD] Bump n' Jump		[LJ]	[2-0]	(25-23,25-19)
2017-11-09	6p	L	w[LE] Significant Others	v	w[LF] Ham and Armor		[LK]	[1-2]	(27-25,08-25,05-15)
2017-11-09	7p	L	w[LA] Old Kids on the Block	v	w[LB] That's What She Set	[LI]	[1-2]	(19-25,25-22,06-15)
2017-11-09	7p	L	w[LG] Serves You Right		v	w[LH] Rabid Sloths		[LL]	[0-2]	(15-25,16-25)

2017-11-13	8p	L	w[LI] That's What She Set	v	w[LJ] Side Out			[LM]	[1-2]	(25-19,14-25,10-15)
2017-11-13	8p	L	w[LK] Ham and Armor		v	w[LL] Rabid Sloths		[LN]	[2-0]	(26-24,25-21)

2017-11-16	6p	L	w[LM] Side Out			v	w[LN] Ham and Armor		[LO]	[2-0]	(25-18,25-20)
